Friday, 15 February 2013

post-it swap

This idea came from a resource Clare Seccombe used at ililc3 (surprise, surprise!) but I have taken it a step further with my AS French class.

Step 1 - pupils wrote down in French their best 'whizzy sentences' for talking about the oral cards (WJEC) where the first question is to compare 2 pictures or texts. They then passed it on to the next pair.
 Step 2 - the new pair read out the comments practising pronunciation, then on a post-it, wrote the English meaning and stuck it on top. Once they had checked it was correct, they removed all the post its and passed it on to the next pair.
 Step 3 - we then had a competition to see who could put all the English post-its back on in the fastest time. Once again we practised pronunciation.
 Step 4 - the final pair had to put each phrase into a sentence based on the speaking card we were working on (health in this case). We then shared and peer assessed these.
It worked really well, as they all had different phrases to begin with, so it meant lots of practising was achieved. They also worked well to support each other, offering help when the next pair didn't understand, or correcting each other's language.

(Sorry the pics are all sideways, they aren't on my laptop!)

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